We thought you’d like to look at what we have been up to in our exploration this week.  We’ve had fun splashing in the rain.  We are so lucky to have such a wonderful amount of outdoor resources at Hadrian.  We all donned our water proofs and enjoyed the rain.  It very important to us to keep children healthy and happy.  Outdoor play is always popular in our class. It may look like lots of play……thats the trick to happy learning.  We use these sessions to work on children’s individual targets.  We use great motivating activities to allow children to want ‘more’ and make requests using their communication boards.  Look at those smiles!


We have also enjoyed time in our playspace this week.  For those of you unfamiliar with our play space, we use our joined classroom as a purposeful space set up to encourage play and exploration.  We have 4 areas which are changed weekly.  This week we loved the small world farm area.  Lots of children were keen to explore the different animals.  The malleable area was also popular…….who else would love to play with rainbow spaghetti?

Finally, we all worked hard on our physical targets this week in Jabadao.  Look at the photo of our Lacy balancing along the beam! Well done Lacey.


A huge well done to our stars this week.  Conlan was awarded a certificate in assembly for his physical skills this week.  He has been walking independently around school and even climbed the steps in soft play ALL BY HIMSELF FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Well done Conlan.

Our Yahya was awarded one of our head teachers special medals for using his voice during play space this week.  Well done boys.   We are very proud of you.

Have a super weekend. Stay safe


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