This week in our class we have been working on our Africa topic. The children have been learning about lions and making lion faces for our class display by painting paper plates and tearing and cutting different materials to stick on as a mane. They have produced some beautiful work!

We have also been painting circles on old scrap paper and plastic bottle ends to make recycled flowers for our recycled art display. Our children are getting much better at apinting with brushes.

In Maths the children have been learning to play Tic Tac Toe and Snakes and Ladders. They have been doing some fabulous counting!

The children have enjoyed some Sensory Fun based on their English text Handa’s Surprise. They explored fruit and playdough as well as making tracks with some safari animals. We also practiced cutting and matching the animals from the story to the fruit they stole.

It has been another very busy week in class, never a dull moment!

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