We’ve had such a busy week this week introducing new topics and also working on children’s individual outcomes.

In Science we are learning all about teeth and healthy eating. We watched a short PowerPoint and talked about our teeth and how to look after them. We were delighted at how much the children already knew and we had lots of lovely discussion about The Tooth Fairy!

In Art we introduced our Art and Design topic which is all about Paper Skills – folding, tearing, cutting, fanning and twisting. We have explored different skills using a range of materials which has resulted in a wonderful piece of work entitled “Winter” which is on display outside our room.

In Humanities we are learning all about Different Jobs in the Community. In light of the current situation, we explored what happens in a Hospital and the different jobs people do hospitals. It was lovely to have James working from home who joined in with the lesson via Zoom. and used his VOCA very effectively to answer questions. We completed an activity and then engaged in some role play with great success. We had some fabulous doctors/nurses and also patients!

And of course we enjoyed playing in the snow again. We used coloured water in spray bottles, syringes and pipettes. Goodness it was so cold but once we warmed up inside we finished off with a little time in Soft Play.

And how wonderful that James went out into the snow at home and sent us a lovely photo of himself and his snowman.

Wow, what a busy week. And last but not least, Dua was our well deserved Weekly Achiever. Here she is with her certificate and she chose chocolate buttons as her reward.

We think everyone deserves two days break before we get stuck into another busy week next week!

Take care everyone.

Year 3 Team.

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