We have had a blast this half term and over the past 6 weeks we have never stopped with the various different arts and crafts and exploration. We have blinked and we are at the May half term – can you believe it! This half term our topic has been focusing around natural things and we have spent time exploring all of the natural things that our world has to offer.

We explored all of the different flora and fauna in the different areas around school and collected our favorite bits that we then used to print our fabulous pictures with.

We talked all about ‘Earth day’ and painted our fabulous stones using paints and various mark making tools.

We also printed using fruit and vegetables exploring how they feel and some of us also explored the taste.

We made and created our very own caterpillars and butterflies using stamps and different textures. We really enjoyed this and loved the different colours and the way the different textures felt on our hands.

We have had the most wonderful time exploring the trim trail and the caterpillar garden and the past couple of weeks we have had the chance to explore our caravan that we have had revamped. We took lots of snacks up last week and enjoyed the lovely weather and our snacks whilst relaxing in the caravan and exploring the various different equipment the areas have to offer.

As well as all of this we have enjoyed our Rebound and Hydro therapy sessions and we are really building up our confidence in both.
As well as all of this we had the opportunity to watch and grow our very own caterpillars. We received them in the post just after we got back from the Easter holidays and then we watched as our caterpillars ate their food, grew and grew and grew and then they formed into their chrysalis. We then waited very patiently and last week we watched as the first beautiful butterfly emerged, followed closely by the rest. We were all so excited and couldn’t believe our eyes. We then went up to our decked area and let all 5 of them free and into the wild to find their new homes. We all laughed and shouted excitedly as they fluttered away.

As well as all of this we have also had two trips one to the garden centre and one yesterday where we had a lovely walk in the sun up to Morrisons where we had some tea and cake. The children coped so well with he difference in routine and some even got to go up to the till, order and pay for their items.

We hope you all enjoy a fabulous break and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 5th June.
Fran, Vikki, Lauren and Yasmin