We have been very busy this week! On Monday we took part in a sensory story. We had to make it through a snow storm, a muddy swamp, and a dark cave to find a dinosaur! We have also been doing some fantastic listening and identifying all sorts of animal sounds. Before going home we had a PE lesson which tired us all out!
On Tuesday morning we worked on our mark making, and then did some fantastic counting all the way to 10! In the afternoon we read each other some lovely stories and did some fab role playing games in our thrive room. What a great day!
On Wednesday we had a lovely breakfast to celebrate a special birthday for Michelle (the children think she is 7 and we’re not going to correct them! Haha!). We then went on our yoga adventure and thought about how big dinosaur feet are before we made our own using card and paints.
On Thursday we enjoyed a great hydrotherapy session before we went to sing school with some friends from other classes. After lunch we made dinosaur jam tarts!