What a brilliant first week back we have had!  The children have worked super hard in English producing poems linked to Bonfire Night and their 5 senses.  Here’s some examples of their brilliant work:

We remember the 5th November,

The smell of the fireworks, barbecue and fire

The feel of the warm air, hot dog bun and sweets,

The sight of the fireworks and all their colours,

The sound of the fireworks-they have a big bang,

These things will never be forgotten.


By Lillie



These things will never be forgotten-

The sight of the fireworks, colours

The smell of the fire

The touch of the sparklers

The taste of the hot dogs

The sound of ‘bang’!


By Shannon


We have started Reading Buddies this week- this year the Reading Buddies will be reading to others in their class instead of younger classes.  Well done T-Jay, Darren and Lillie!

We also had a brilliant day in the yurt yesterday making a Guy Fawkes and doing fireworks crafts.  We even had some hot dogs, heated up on the stove, and ended the day with our brilliant Fireworks display assembly and back into the yurt for storytelling during the afternoon.  What a brilliant week!

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