So we’ve had a hectic couple of weeks back in Class 5/6, falling back into our daily routines and busy schedules.
To start our first week back from the holidays we had a new sensory story, the Magic Bus! We all moved our chairs into rows, strapped on our seat belts and set off. On our visit we found ourselves at the beach, the Antarctic and even got ourselves stuck in the jungle! We also had a visit from a wolf, a dinosaur, ostrich and sheep on the way! Fear not, as life like as they were it was just Simon and Leon in disguise!
Our new topic for exploration and investigation is ‘Light’. We filled the room with lots of different lights and activities. Using the lights we made some fantastic shadow shapes, explored UV light and found out new ways to use the lights to have lots of fun!
Although we’ve loved getting stuck into our new activities, getting back to our normal fun has been great too. Our topic this term for messy play has been ‘water’. Take a look at our class in action!
This term we also said a huge happy birthday to Ella! Who is now in the double digits squad, at 10 years old! Happy Birthday Ella!