Dear Parents,
Welcome to our brand new, shiny blog. This half term has been wonderful. It has been lovely watching the relationships between adults and children formĀ and the friendships between the children develop. The children have settled in really well to their new classroom with new routines. They are always engaged and excited for school. We are a very lucky team!
They have been learning all about ‘Ourselves’, the children are great at taking care of each other and the sick babies in our role play hospital. They love dressing up, wrapping each other in bandages and giving the babies injections. They have been learning all about their bodies, facial features, emotions and senses. Next term, they will be learning about light and dark.
Our class story Room on the Broom has been great, the children love getting dressed up and cackling like a witch. We have made magic portions, recalled the story, collected spiders and role played. The children have completed lots of phonics sessions, including listening walks around school. They discovered the FLOW Project’s work and they loved tapping and listening to the sounds the soldiers made.
During Maths, they have been learning all about Numicon, counting leaves and conkers they collected and making shape pizzas. The shape pizzas are for their new Pronto Pizza restaurant, this will aim to teach the children sequencing, colour and shape. As well as, develop theirĀ speaking, listening and writing skills.
Next Thursday 25th October, we will be having a class Halloween Party. So, if you would like to send your child in a costume that would be fab. We will have bob the apple, stick the boo on the ghost, eat the doughnut and lots of dancing.
We have trips booked:
Pizza Express (Metro Centre) – 13th November for the morning and through dinner – we will be making choices and cooking our very own pizza that the children can then bring back to school to have for lunch.
Beamish 29th November – all day – we are learning all about Old and New Toys in Humanities. We will spend the whole day their and school provides a packed lunch. The children will complete a work shop about old toys inside one of the stone cottages. We will be visiting the school and the local shops as well as riding the tram. Please dress your child I warm clothing and their school uniform.
Have a great weekend,
Jess, Kairen, Michele, Sharon and Katherine