What a fantastic end of term we had!

In the last week we had lots of Easter fun. Messy play, dancing and ending with our sponsored Easter bonnet parade!

During Messy Play we used feathers, glitter and tissue paper to decorate our Easter bonnets in prep for the parade. Some of us were so excited to wear them; we tried them on for size before decorating. Take a look!

As a special treat the whole school got together to do some ceilidh dancing! We all got our bodies moving to the live Hadrian band performing Irish music. We got to socialise with all of our friends from 6A by dancing together. Peniel however snuck off to find his old friend Shannon in Dave’s class so they could dance together. We all had a jolly time!

On Friday we all took part in the Sponsored Easter Bonnet parade in aid of the sunshine fund, with our fabulous bonnets all dry from earlier in the week we popped them on and set off in the glorious sunshine! Afterwards, the best Easter bonnets and dressed were awarded. Well done to Peniel who won an Easter egg for his lovely yellow outfit! Just like the sunshine!

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