How can it be Friday again already?  Our first week back after half term and it has flown by in a flash of fun.

This week we welcomed back our Jacob.  His first week back since Christmas lockdown.  We wondered if  he’d need some time back to settle back into his routine.  How wrong we were…….it was like he’d never been away.  He got back ingot the swing of school like an old pro.  His first morning back started with his reading session and he NAILED IT!!  We want to tell you we are so proud of you Jacob for taking everything in your stride.  We thought you deserved this weeks weekly achiever certificate  in assembly today.  Mrs Stokle read out the long list of things you’d been doing in class so well this week.  From crawling like an elephant in rebound therapy to making your own hedgehog inspired sculpture using polystyrene and pipe cleaners.  Have a look in the photo’s below….


We began the week on Monday by celebrating a special birthday in class.  Our Dan turned 9 years old last Sunday.  We had a wonderful party in class with the yummy snacks sent in by his family.  Huge thank you to Dan’s family for the kind party donations.  Especially the cakes for children to decorate themselves!!

Next Thursday (4th March) is World Book Day in school and we will be doing lots of exciting things throughout the week to celebrate in our class bubbles.  We have special snacks and a special lunch menu inspired by our favourite books!! We have sent letters home to request children to come to school dressed as their favourite characters or in your PJ’s as if you were ready for your bedtime story!  We will be seeing how many story shares we can tally up next week as a school.  We will let you know how we get on.    It’s always a fun day in school as everyone has fun in costume.  I wonder who Mr Rollings and Mrs Stokle will be this year?  Last year they were Mary Poppins and Bert!  Details of our zoom assembly will be sent home next week as we like to invite you parents along to join in the fun.

This week we have also worked hard on our physical skills and movement in Jabadao.  This is a session which children are encouraged to explore an exciting environment with an adult. We have lots of apparatus which is chosen to support particular skills in each child.  We also use our knowledge of what motivates each child to choose our weekly set up.  Each week we begin with a child led session ensuring each child has 1 to 1 time with an  adult to support their learning. Adults are also responding to children are communicating using their core vocab.  Go, Stop, Fast, Slow……

Mid way through the session we switch to a call and respond game using the core vocab.  Adults find a space and model the core vocab to allow children the opportunity to make links between the vocabulary and the action.  This week our Jacob used his big voice and led us all in his movement calls.  He was amazing and had us all worn out!!


This week we also worked very hard in sensory art.  Being introduced to new resources is always exciting to see how children respond.  This week everyone worked hard concentrating to make shapes and thread beads.  Lots of lovely engagement, which is just what we like to see!

Have a wonderful weekend friends. Stay safe


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