This week in Antonia’s class we have been spending lots of time learning lots of new Maths skills! Grace has been working super hard working on learning coins and matching them. Hopefully we will be able to go to the shops soon to use all these new skills we are learning in class. Noah and Kian have been starting to learn about more and less and everyone has had fun learning new Maths games. The children worked in pairs to practice their Maths skills as well as turn taking and working independently. Some of the girls managed to run their games all by themselves.
We have kept fit this week by doing some Pokemon Yoga! The children were so engaged in this and really focused. They stayed on their own mats and kept the ambience of the room nice and calm by staying as quiet as they could. They were so bendy and tried so hard to get into the positions. Well done everyone!
This week in Food Tech the children also made a chinese stir fry. They explored and then chopped all the vegetables to make a delicious stir fry linked to Chinese New Year last week. The got to taste and smell ginger and garlic which was very smelly!
In English they continued with their topic of Telephones and listened to and talked about rhyming words in a poem called Elephony. It was really funny. The children have learned so much this week as usual and, of course, had such a fun time.
Have a lovely weekend!