WWOOOOOHOOOOOOOO….We’ve  made it to the last week in this half term!  A huge thanks to all parents for your continued support during these unusual times.  Our priority in school has been to ensure the transition to new ‘normal’ routines were as seamless as possible to keep our precious children happy and healthy.  I hope you agree this has been a team effort between home and school.  What a fantastic week to end on……… we certainly ended the half term with a bang.


We celebrated harvest festival in a special virtual assembly on Wednesday.  Thank you all so much for your kind donations for the local food bank.  We were so  proud to be able to support our local community with your help.  We sang harvest songs which are very popular in our class.  After our harvest rock and roll, each class shared with school some photographs showing what they’ve been up to this autumn half term.  We were very proud to show school our outdoor learning sessions, sensory art and our pumpkin exploration.  Here are the photos we shared in our Harvest assembly….

This week our play space theme has been Halloween.  We had lots of spooky fun exploring pumpkins, enjoying sensory play with eye-balls, dressing up as witches and skeletons and exploring our very own DANGER  area filled with boxes of scary    goodies.  Today we had fun dressing up and painting faces in class.  There were lots of scary Halloween faces as we partied the morning away.


We hope you all have a very safe and happy half term holiday and look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 2nd November.


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