As always, we’ve had such a busy week! We’ve all been really impressed with everyone’s behaviour and attitude to learning.

On Monday we linked out topic of space into our artwork. Everyone made brilliant collages of the planet earth, showing off their artistic skills by drawing, gluing and sticking tissue to represent the planet.

On Tuesday in Maths, we continued our work on time. Each week the children are demonstrating their understanding more and more. Some of the class were also lucky enough to go on a Maths hunt, finding sticks and stones to represent numbers. As always, we finished off our day with the best time of the week, swimming! Each and every pupil loves showing us their water skills, ducking underwater, retrieving items from the bottom of the pool, and finishing the lesson with free play always goes down well.

Wednesday was a very special day in class. We were learning all about the Scottish celebration, Burns Night. We learnt why and how Burns Night is celebrated, including what they eat and songs they sing. We made shortbread, a Scottish specialty, taking turns to mix, roll and cut the mixture. We spent the rest of the day in the Yurt, dancing and singing to traditional Scottish music, weaving tartan patterns and even playing Burns Night bingo.

Thursday was a day full of exercise. We had our PE session with Graeme, doing drills, football and Benchball. Everyone loved our session at kangaroo club, not only did they do great jumping, but also great spotting and turn taking. We did some role play to try and identify safe and unsafe strangers. The children had some great ideas of how to identify safe strangers.

Today we celebrated our half term achiever in assembly. Charlie L has made us all incredibly proud with his progress in reading, writing and Maths! We spent lunchtime in football club, practicing the skills we have been learning in PE and finished the day with choice time.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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