Friday was the day of our Performance and what a Performance! (in our non biased opinion) We decided to re-enact “In the Bleak Midwinter” to showcase our children’s talents. We began our Performance with the beautiful singing of Joe who very kindly stepped in for Anthony who unfortunately was poorly. We then all joined him to play our Recorders as we have been learning how to play this instrument all term. Charlie who is our class Weatherman then became the Weatherman in our Performance telling us all about the cold wind, the frosty ground and then the snow. Each small group acted out each scene before all coming together for a snowball fight. Perfection! We hope if you managed to come you thought it was amazing too.

Mrs Ball, Babs, Sue, Jess and Carol.

  1. Claire Nelson

    What fabulous photos of all the Christmas activities. Such a lovely time had by all, lucky lucky children. Have a fabulous Christmas everyone. xxxx

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