This week we finally managed to get out on our first school trip. We have all been so excited for this trip and we were all so amazing while we were there. As our topic this term has been based around space, we took a trip out to the Centre for life.

Firstly we went into the space control room and we took control of rocket launches and all the other important tasks that are done there. This was a lovely job for us to do as, we have been learning about Helen Sharman, who was the first woman to visit the international space station. We also got to put our faces on an astronaut and launch rockets too. We then ventured into the inside of a rocket and we found out where the astronauts go to the toilet and what they can eat while in space.

We then took a trip to the planetarium and watched an amazing show displaying different constellations. This was so mesmerizing, especially as we had made our own a few weeks ago. We also had a lovely play upstairs and did some amazing drawings of the solar system. Using our knowledge, we were able to label the different planets  and also the different continents on Earth.

After a lovely packed lunch, we then went to see the Animal show, this taught us about the different talents that some animals had. Our favorite was the Hippo, who spreads an area with its poo to keep other animals away.

As well as our amazing trip, we went to Charles Parsons swimming and had a lovely play session. Yet again we have come on so far this term and have made so much progress with our water skills and our confidence is shining.

As well as all of that, our Year 6’s have been making excellent progress with their Shakespeare show. They are working incredibly hard and we cannot wait to perform it after the Easter Holidays.

We hope you have an amazing Holidays and all stay safe.


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