What a busy Autumn 1 it has been! We welcomed Rohan and Olivia to our class 🙂
We have hit the ground running with our topic theme dinosaurs. We are enjoying our weekly sensory story called ‘we are going on a Dino hunt.’ The children are engaging well with the music and the story props.

On Monday afternoons, we have exploring food and its textures as part of our food aversion session. To begin we used a piece of bread to develop tolerance tp the smell and touch to our face and eventually to our lips. We then began to add to our bread beginning with jam and then cheese slices. This has proved a great success as some of the children are now eating new foods that they previously didn’t. Next half term we are going to focus on wet puddings such as custard and continue to food chain with different textures.

As part of our PFL sessions on a Wednesday morning, we are focusing on tolerating getting our height measured, feet measured and using the scales to be weighed. We have explored the texture of a hairdressing apron.

We have had a great half term with Timbadash. This has been such an exciting journey working with the fabulous Timbadash team. Every child showed great engagement over each session. Check out our amazing photos from over the half term.

In PE we have been exploring different ways to move. We explored climbing apparatus, climbing stairs, jumping, rolling, crawling and sliding. This supports our self-regulation which is so important to us.

We had a wonderful visit to Great North Museum. The children loved exploring in the museum and especially liked looking at the huge T-Rex. We explored ‘Dino dig’ session ran by the museum staff. The children really enjoyed their day out.

We finished of the the half term with a Halloween themed week. We loved exploring all the sensory items on offer. We made edible witches hat, potions, explored pumpkin playdough and painting pumpkins using puffy paint. What a great end to the half term.

Our Half term achievers were Jenson and Rohan, we are so proud of them and all of their achievements.