Hi everyone,

We had such a great day at Plessey Woods, the children were so free and top explorers! We discovered a troll’s bridge and we walked across the bridge really quiet not to wake him!

On our travels, we found some wooden drums, the children found themselves a stick and banged really hard to make the loudest noises they could. A little further, we could smell a lovely smell in the air and we discovered some wild garlic. We all decided to pick a piece and put it into our bag so we could make some garlic butter for our bread! It was delicious!

There was an exciting discovery of a witch’s den and a troll’s bog! The child loved hiding the in the bog and scaring their friends. We even heard a witch’s cackle! The more we walked the more we found and we discovered totem poles hiding in the woods. They were bright and colourful and the children loved hiding and running around them. We then found some trees that were perfect for climbing, we decided to hang from the tree and pretend to be monkeys.

As we walked along, the children were able to move and explore the new and exciting environment, they were listening for birds and picking up all the natural objects they could find! They were so sensible, that we decided after dinner we deserved a play in the new park.

We couldn’t have done it without our helpful Year 6s, what top role models Hannah and Drae were!

I think the adults had just as much fun as the children!

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday filled with exploring! This is the children’s last day at school.

Massive thank you to everyone who sends in snacks and donations for school and our class! We greatly appreciate it! Next half term we have lots of exciting trips!

Thank you,

Jess and the team

  1. Nicola Robson

    Wow, what a gorgeous day for what looks like a fab fun filled day out. Everyone looked like they had fun! Thank you so much. Hope you all had a lovely break. X

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