Hi everyone,

We have had a great two weeks. We had a wonderful World Book Day, it was lovely to see all the different costumes and the children looked great! We started the day with a reading buddies session, Year 6 children came into class and read to the younger children. We then had an assembly and Sofia walked the catwalk dressed as the Hungry Caterpillar. Year 6 children then performed the Bear Hunt which is 30 years old!


We have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk! The children love the scary giant and climbing the beanstalk. We have used sensory aspects while reading the story and the children have been asking questions, exploring the resources and learning the names of the characters. The story has filtered into our fine motor/writing lessons, maths and even science! Next week, we are going to plant our very own bean stalk! The new ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ role play section of our classroom is beginning to take shape. They have made some leaves using collage for the beanstalk and we are currently creating a castle and interactive display board!

In maths we have been learning to count using dinosaur bones, digging through the soil and finding the numbered bones. The children are fab at counting and are now moving on to recognising the numerals. We have also been working hard on learning our numbers through Numicon. The children have been ordering Numicon, finding hidden Numicon in water and finding the correct amount of underwater creatures. They love playing in the water and different sensory materials.

In music we have been exploring long and short sounds. The children loved exploring the EYFS outdoor musical instruments and banging on the big drum!

We also had a great Pancake Day! We made big fluffy pancakes, they were so tasty we didn’t even have time to take photographs. The children were pouring, mixing then flipping them into the air. We even had pancake names, the children are great at recognising their own names and the children in their class. We had a fab assembly, where we watched everyone compete to see who could flip the pancake the highest and catch it! The children loved cheering on their peers and the adults!

I will see you all at parents evening. I am going to do a separate blog from the soft play trip.

Thank you,

Jess, Michele, Sharon, Kairen and Katherine.



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