Welcome back to Loveday’s class blog. Another week in strange times. However through these Hadrian doors… our school world, inside the safety of our class bubbles, are a wonderful place to be. Our priority in school is to keep life safe, happy and as normal as possible. This means business as usual for the children who are back in the building. Children are working hard and playing hard. We appreciate all of you parents staying in touch with school throughout these tricky times. A team approach between home and school remains key. So, this week in our class has looked like this….
Snow days
We continue to spend time daily learning outdoors. Our children LOVE learning using our wealth of outdoor areas. This week has been no exception with the arrival of more snow!!. We have enjoyed daily sessions wrapping up and exploring outdoors and we are definitely showing preferences in activities and areas. Here are some photos of our week outdoors…
Play space
This week we have been working on targets in our play space too. We wanted to share with you some of the learning intentions during our time here, to show how important play is in the context of learning. This is the area next door to our classroom which is specifically set up into different areas to support play and learning using a child led approach. We have a messy play area, a small world and role play area, a construction area, a sensory integration/movement area and a problem solving area. Children are encouraged to explore freely, supported by adults who scaffold their learning and play. While we are in this area we are learning to play as well as any of the following……….
Developing gross and fine motor skills,
Developing curiosity and interest in a wider range of experiences,
Using and hearing key vocabulary,
Being challenged to extend our skills with new experiences,
Watch and show interest in the results of our actions,
Sharing attention with someone on the same experience,
Developing our problem solving skills,
Moving around to explore the space,
Developing trusting relationships with adults and friends,
Developing our sense of feeling safe and special through our play interactions,
Making choices and developing preferences,
Representing experiences through play.
Here are some examples of what that looks like for us …..
Our Fatima has been working hard in rebound this week. She follows a rebound profile and has a range of stretches before she even begins her work. She has been a superstar, doing all of this work with a beautiful smile on her face. She is crawling independently over obstacles and is loving her time working on her physical skills.

This morning we celebrated our Aaron in his favourite time of the week…..assembly. Aaron was chosen to be our class Half term achiever for a list of reasons. Aaron’s first time back in school post-lockdown was also for him post operation. Aaron has had major surgery on his hips, ankles and toes. He returned to us in October after 7 months off school with casts on both legs. In a short space of time Aaron has gone from being confined to a chair to walking independently around school with the support of his walking frame. Here is Aaron’s story……
We hope you have great weekend. Stay safe!