Disability North have now set up a register to make finding work as a PA or finding a suitable PA to support you or your family members that little bit easier. I have added the link below.
Disability North have now set up a register to make finding work as a PA or finding a suitable PA to support you or your family members that little bit easier. I have added the link below.
Our Family Advice and Support team works with disabled children, young people and their families. The team includes Pass it on Parents, Family Advice Workers and project workers working together to provide co-ordinated support for families.
We are currently funded to work with families who live in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Our Family Advice and Support team (FAS) work with parents and carers of disabled children and young people up to the age of 25 years to provide co-ordinated support.
The team provides information and advice on a range of issues, from helping you to navigate your way around the Local Offer, connecting you with other services, to offering advice on a range of specific issues such as transport, holidays, activities and planning for adulthood.
We can offer you practical information and advice, appropriate to your circumstances and we work across all agencies such as education, social care, health, benefits, leisure and voluntary services.
We can support you in meetings in school and help with Parental Views in the Education Health & Care Plan Assessment process. Our Information Advice and Guidance service will work with you to see if you need more in depth support such as supporting you at Early Help meetings.
We can offer in depth advice and support for parents/carers tailored to your individual family’s needs, working with other agencies towards positive outcomes for your family. This support is usually more longer term, and is not time limited, but considers your family’s situation.
For example we can help families prepare for meetings so that the views of parents, children and young people are heard.
We can provide help and guidance on completing grant funding application forms for items or activities which will help your family or child/young person. (This is often dependent on family income).
Come and meet other parent/carers and find out what works for them. Speak to our team face to face to help you get information relevant to your family.
Due to the current restrictions we are not holding in person coffee mornings. Join our Pass it on Parents facebook group to find out about our online coffee mornings.
We run workshops and events based on feedback from parents on a variety of topics including “How to use Newcastle Local Offer website” and “Preparing for Adulthood” – preparing parents for when their young person moves from children’s to adult services.
Our social media allows you to keep up to date with news and local activities for you and your family. You can connect with other parents/carers to help each other.
Facebook: Family Advice and Support at Skills for People
This open page provides information on leisure activities, news stories, research projects, details of training events and advice for parents.
Facebook: Pass it on Parents Newcastle
This closed group is for local parents of disabled children and young people. Once you join you can ask other parents about problems you are having and where to get help and share your experiences with one another. This page also provides information on activities happening locally including coffee mornings and drop in events.
Twitter: @Passitonparents
This twitter feed has information for parents on local activities, campaigns, news stories, support groups etc.
Here is all information regarding the Children with Disabilities Parent Pack. There is still funding available until April 2021 so please apply as soon as possible. Some more information can be found here: https://nunsmoorcentretrust.com/the-access-fund/
Another busy day in the pop hair shop!
Very busy, productive morning with the fabulous ladies from Pass it on Parents.
We had some lovely new parents and carers join us today, lots of helpful advice and information was shared and applications for grants, funding were completed.
Nicola from SEN transport came to explain a little about the new application forms which are available online from 1st February 2020. Nicola assured the parents the new changes are designed to provide the best possible service for the children, rather than trying to cut provision or costs.
The special 40th anniversary offer is families travelling across the network in Newcastle, Gateshead, South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Sunderland
During 2020, up to three children aged 11 and under can travel free at weekends and bank holidays, as long as they are travelling with a fare-paying adult.
Once the adult has their ticket or validated smartcard they simply speak to any station staff to let them in and out of the station using the wide access gate.
No tickets are needed for the children. Metro say: “For safety reasons please do not attempt to use the gate without staff assistance at the same time as the child or children travelling with you.
HEADS in partnership with Hadrian School are committed to supporting parents/carers not only from Hadrian School but from around the region.
HEADS are offering a portfolio of quality free training throughout the school year.
The next available courses are:
Complimentary therapies – 29th January 2020 – 10am – 1pm
Mental health awareness – 30th January 2020 – 10am – 1pm
If you would like any additional information or would like to book a place on the training please contact Hadrian School:
Tel: 0191 273 4440
Email: david.palmer@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk or pauline.turner@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk
Another busy day in the ‘Hadrian pop up salon’, we had over 50 children visit throughout the day! It was a day of festive fun, Michael Buble Christmas songs playing, glitter nails and snacks for all.
We have used some of the money raised from the hair shop to buy a shed for outdoor learning, some new floating equipment for our younger children to use in the Hydro pool and a CD player for the quad play area.
Look forward to the next hair shop next term.