Welcome back to a fun filled half term leading up to Christmas! We hope you are all feeling refreshed after the holidays and ready for the festive season to soon begin. We have hit the ground running this week with lots of great work being done from all the children in class.
In English we have started looking at a new book, ‘Night Monkey Day Monkey’ by Julia Donaldson. This will be the story that we will focus our English work on for the next few weeks. The children have been fully engaged in the story and already created some lovely pieces of work. In Phonics some children have been working hard on their listening skills to see if they can pick out some of the initial sounds we have been learning.
The class have also done some fabulous work in Art following on with our story by creating some fantastic creations around day and night using light and dark paints and materials. We also made some lovely poppies for our remembrance assembly which will be held on Monday.
In Maths the children have continued to work hard on their counting. They have enjoyed a range of various activities and games to support and extend their learning. We have had great engagement from the whole class during these lessons.
We have also tried to make the most of the awful weather this week and been wrapped up in warm clothes and waterproofs to go out and get messy in lots of the outdoor areas in school. The children have enjoyed every minute of running and jumping in the puddles!
Thank you to everyone who came along and supported Hadrian’s firework display on Tuesday night. It was a fantastic night and everyone appeared to have a great time.
We are supporting Children in Need next week; the children will be involved and participate in various activities throughout the week. On Friday we will be taking part in a sponsored ‘Quackers Run’ and the children are encouraged to come in to school in non-uniform to support the event.
We hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Class 3/4 Team.