Thanks to the Greggs team who ensure our breakfast club keeps running each year, it is such a valued service within school.
We were lucky enough to go join in some fun sports at Greggs offices today!
We had so much fun, ate lots of delicious food and even got a goody bag each to take home.
Free family sessions for Benwell and Scotswood Residents
For children aged 0-7 and their parents/carers.
Wednesdays 10am – 12pm at Hodgkin Park
This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:

The project will be based at the newly refurbished Tree House Early Years Centre in Cruddas Park.
We talked to parents and carer groups about the refurbishment of this new centre, to help us create the look and feel of the new space. They asked if we could create vibrant wall art inspired by children and young people with SEND and so this summer project will focus on creating 5 new wall art pieces with participants.
Please click link below for more information.
HAF Arts Summer Project at the Tree House | Newcastle Support Directory
Hello everyone!
We were all excited to go out on Tuesday for our class trip to the Tim Lamb Centre and the Rising Sun Country Park. We didn’t let the rain spoil our fun! Check out our photos of us in the soft play area and café.
From John and the Team.

Hi everyone! What a fantastic half term we have had in Rachael’s class. Our topic has been natural things and we have really enjoyed exploring lots of natural resources both in class and outside in nature.
The children loved the ‘nature paintbrush’ activity in Art. They were supported to collect items from nature during their weekly Mud Kitchen session including sticks, leaves and flowers to make the paintbrushes. The flower stamps were also a hit and the children had lots of messy fun!
This half term we celebrated Eid together as a school with a special assembly and in class we took part in some Eid themed activites. Class 2 spent time exploring porridge oats with moons and stars, there was some lovely engagement in this sensory activity and fantastic filling and emptying. What a great job they did decorating their Moon and Star hanging mobile too!
The children joined in with the Coronation Day celebrations by making some Nature Crowns and wands which tied in nicely with our nature topic. They also came to school wearing red, white and blue and had fun playing with balloons and Union Jack flags.
Our Nature themed Art and Messy Play sessions continued with some leaf spray painting and daisy soup which the children loved! They also enjoyed painting sticks and making marks with pine cones, Rachael’s class love nothing more than getting messy!
The children love to explore things with all their senses and particularly enjoyed our lavender themed session. We had lavender playdough, lavender water play and lavender foam. The classroom smelled divine and lavender is supposed to be calming and relaxing so I wonder if the children slept well that night!
Other messy play items this half term have included, split peas, cereal and the ‘you either love it or you hate it’ item….gloop!
In May we took part in Mental Health Awareness Week with a relaxing session based on the book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. The children watched a pop up version of this story on you tube (which Lucas found hilarious!) then hunted for the colour monsters in the sand, played with water and enjoyed some relaxing music and images on the smartboard.
Class 2 have continued to enjoy all of the regular activities on their timetable, here are some photos of them in soft play.
We are looking forward to enjoying our last half term of this academic year with these brilliant boys. Summer 2 will have a Seaside theme which I’m sure will prove a massive hit with all of the children in Rachael’s class 🙂
Rachael, Rachael, Kira, James, Leighanne and Lynda xxx