Hello everyone! What a busy week we’ve had again in Class 11.
On Tuesday, we had a special assembly around Valentine’s day and pancake day. This was lots of fun as we watched Mr Rollings and Alex made lots of yummy pancakes for us to try with chocolate, lemon and sugar, honey and jam! We then also sampled some pancakes in class that had chocolate on – they disappeared very quickly! Afterwards, we all sat round and received our lovely Valentine’s cards from Sophia. We hope you all enjoyed the presents that got sent home on Tuesday! We really enjoyed making them.
On Thursday we have outdoor learning. We get our waterproofs on and take ourselves out to the mud kitchen. We get all the pots, pans and kitchen utensils out and make each other mud pies, with lots and lots of mud gravy! It’s great to hear everyone’s big voices when they play together! If you have any old waterproofs or wellies that you could donate, we would be very appreciative.
On Fridays we go swimming. Although we haven’t made it there this week due to the training day, we’ve got lots of pictures from last week we want to share! For some children, it is a great opportunity to stretch and relax our muscles, whilst for some children it’s great to gain confidence whilst working with friends. We have a great time and make sure everyone gets wet!
But today we had a very special day. We had our black and white day to celebrate Newcastle United making it to Wembley. In assembly we sang lots of songs about Newcastle, whilst also celebrating Fran from Sing School who sadly left us to go to a new job today. This afternoon, we then had some messy play with wet and dry cereal and play dough. Everyone got stuck in and had an amazing time. Sorry if your child came home a little bit dirty!
Just a heads up that Tuesday 28th February is a proposed strike day, but more information will come on the first day back. We hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe half term. We’ll see you all back in school on Monday 27th February!