It’s hard to believe that we’ve come to the end of another year at Hadrian School. We’ve made so many amazing memories with all of the children this year, definitely some we’ll hope they’ll never forget.
This last week has been amazing with our Hadrian Live! Music Festival. On Monday morning, we had a whole school sing-a-long where every class had chosen their favourite song to show everyone. We chose Elephants have Wrinkles as that has become a class special! All of the children are amazing at6singing and signing along so we wanted to show the world!
Then on Monday afternoon we had our Holi Festival. We were meant to celebrate this back in March but decided against it when it started snowing! Thankfully, the weather stayed sunny and we had the most amazing time! We followed a drummer from the sports hall round to the field out the back of the rebound centre, counted down from 10 and watched the colour explosion begin! All of the children loved it, some were even choosing adults to target! Our white t-shirts turned into the most beautiful rainbows! We’re sorry if your child came home covered in powder paint, but it just goes to show how much fun they had. RV Narang entertained up with some tunes and it turned in to a dance party!
Tuesday morning we participated in a musical meander. Due to the bad weather we had to bring in indoors but it was still just as good! We wandered around the school and experienced lots of different genres of music, including African drummers, opera singers, a folk group, electric violinists and our very own Andy Ridden. It was great to experience all of these different types of music.
Tuesday afternoon was our Brazilian carnival! We got dressed up in our bright colours, painted our faces with glitter and paraded round school! We ended up down in the sports hall with Brazilian drummers and a Steel Pan group, we definitely had some of the best dance moves. We ended the carnival with an ice cream and cake!
Wednesday morning was our whole school Ceilidh. Mr Rollings directed us on what we were doing as we all joined hands and danced together. We had a little celebration for one of our lovely teachers Coralie, who is retiring this summer.
We ended our music festival with our ‘One Love’ festival where we dressed up in bright, flowery clothing, painted flowers on our faces and had our final dance. Our Sophia was able to pop in to school too during her long term hospital stay. All of the children loved being able to see her!
Our Music Festival has ended the school year with bang. It’ll be emotional waving goodbye to the children on Friday for the last time this year! We just want to say a quick ‘Well Done’ to Charli who has survived her first year of teaching! We wish her all the luck in the world as she goes on to her next class and has a whole new challenge.
We hope everyone has the best summer holidays. We can’t wait to see everyone back in school in September!