Happy Friday everyone.  This week has been a turning point in school, in regards to our fight against this global pandemic.  I am sure those of you who follow our Friends of Hadrian Facebook page know  we were given the go ahead to have staff in school vaccinated.  Wooooooo Hoooooooo! As you can imagine, this has been a long time coming.  Thanks to the hard work of our Senior Leadership Team, who have fought for us all since vaccinations became an option.  I am happy to report every member of staff in our class have now been given the first vaccine!  Onwards and upwards.

In other news, we have enjoyed outdoor learning every day this week.  On colder days we try to wrap up and go for a walk to keep us all warm and safe. Our route around the school grounds includes walking up and down hills, exploring uneven ground and obstacles such as chopped wood to challenge our physical skills.    Our favourite route, chosen by our children’s interests, takes us through the wildlife garden where we like to explore the mud kitchen and the pagoda, followed by the woods.   We usually end up in the Early Years playground at the front of school, exploring musical instruments. On wetter days we all don our waterproofs and splash in puddles.  Every lunch time we have enjoyed an outdoor singing session, marching to favourite songs to keep children active and engaged.  Today we enjoyed exploring the internal quad play area.

Every Friday, one of our timetabled sessions is called Music and movement.  This is a favourite amongst children in class.  The session was initially planned given how much children respond to music.  Each child has a specific learning intention for this session, based around communication.  Some children will be working on responses and eye contact while others are using core vocabulary to choose “more”.  We always begin the session by reading out loud which targets we are working on, to allow adults to be focused on the specific learning intention for the child they are supporting.  Another example of how effective learning can be using a creative curriculum based around child led learning.

This morning we enjoyed our second Half Term Achiever assembly, for children who have worked exceptionally hard this half term.  This is a favourite amongst staff around school.  It’s so lovely, especially in these strange times, to see the amazing work going on in different learning bubbles.  It’s a pleasure to see these bursts of progress in each video story.  Well done to this week’s half term achievers.  The assembly allowed you all to shine bright this morning.

This Sunday is a special day for our Aaron in class.  Our little dude hits double figures……10 years old! Wow.  We hope you have a great day.  We enjoyed celebrating with you in a special class party today. We had a party, Aaron enjoyed a specal birthday sing along with Amy and her ukelele.  We also enjoyed lots of classes joining in with a happy birthday during our zoom singing session.

Have a lovely weekend guys.  Stay safe.

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