It was wonderful to have parents back in school for the ‘Pass it on Parents’ coffee morning, it has been such a long time since we could all be together. The coffee mornings run monthly and all parents are welcome; its a great place for a catch up, coffee, support and great advice.
The team provides information and advice on a range of issues, from helping you to navigate your way around the Local Offer, connecting you with other services, to offering advice on a range of specific issues such as transport, holidays, activities and planning for adulthood.
We can offer practical information and advice, appropriate to individual circumstances and we work across all agencies such as education, social care, health, benefits, leisure and voluntary services.
We can support you in meetings in school and help with Parental Views in the Education Health & Care Plan Assessment process. Our Information Advice and Guidance service will work with you to see if you need more in depth support such as supporting you at Early Help meetings.