What is Rebound Therapy?

The phrase “Rebound Therapy” describes the use of trampolines in providing therapeutic exercise and recreation for people with a wide range of special needs. These include participants who may have profound and complex learning difficulties, severe and moderate learning difficulties, asd and motor coordination difficulties, dual sensory impairments or sensory processing difficulties.
Rebound Therapy is used to facilitate movement, promote balance, promote an increase or decrease in muscle tone, promote relaxation, promote sensory integration, improve fitness and to improve communication skills.


You could check with your child’s Teacher whether your child receives rebound therapy during school time and if they enjoy it.

On completion of the course you will receive a Rebound Therapy Coaching Qualification and this will enable you to deliver your own child’s therapy. Hadrian School have built the first Rebound centre in the UK which is open evenings, weekends and school holidays, meaning you can keep up with your child’s therapy out of school time.

Rebound therapy training is available for parents at a cost price of £75.00 instead of the usual £315.00.

The course runs for two days, from 9.00am – 4.30pm but can be adjusted to fit around your childcare needs if necessary.

The next course is running on the 21st/22nd January 2019.

If you would like to book a place on the training please contact David Palmer School Business Manager on 0191 273 4440 or david.palmer@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk

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