Well here we are, the final Friday blog of this school year! We honestly can’t quite believe it’s this time of year already; it feels like we’ve just blinked and the school terms have all whizzed on by.

Looking back through the past year’s worth of photos for this blog has been both a gorgeous reminder of all of the fun times we’ve had this year, and an eye-opening look at how grown up our little class all look now compared to September! We all feel extremely lucky to have been able to spend the past ten months with such an incredible group of children; although they technically come to us to learn, we’ve all learnt so much from them and we can’t wait to watch the rest of their Hadrian journeys.

It wouldn’t be right to end this blog without mentioning the incredible staff that have given so much this year but who aren’t going to be with us in ‘Dave’s team’ next year, so…

  •  Megan, our wonderful placement student, is heading back to university for her final year of her degree. Megan has been here every single day right alongside us all, and has been an integral part of our team despite this being an unpaid placement. We couldn’t have done this year without Megan; her passion and love for supporting our children has been an absolute joy to see and we wish her the best for everything that’s next for her in life.
  • Christine, our gastro-feed superstar, was due to move into Phil’s class come September however has faced a period of ill health in recent weeks and remains recovering in hospital, although is defying doctors and is making amazing progress everyday. Christine has been central to the successes of our class this year; always first on hand to provide both children and staff alike with words of comfort or encouragement, buyer of the best snacks (again, for both children and staff alike!) and she has been a massive miss to the whole class over the past few weeks. We hope to see her again fighting fit as soon as possible.
  • Finally, our dream-team double act of Tracy and Debbie are both moving to Marc’s class after summer. Both of these women are exceptional members of staff, whose dedication and support for our class have been abundantly clear for everyone to see. No-one is a bigger champion for our kids, and we’ve all learnt so much from watching these two extraordinary women work. We’re going to feel their loss within Dave’s team massively, and we hope our friends in Marc’s team know how lucky they’ve got it landing the pair of them!

We hope everyone enjoys having a scroll through the photo round-up of our year, we’d be lying if we said we hadn’t teared up at some of them!

Thank you so much to all who have supported us here in Dave’s class over the past school year; we’re so grateful and can’t begin to thank you all enough. We hope you all have an amazing Summer break, and can’t wait to welcome a whole new batch of children come September! – Dave and team 🙂


  1. michelle watson

    Hope has flourished in Daves class, it’s been lovely to see. Hopey and I will miss this fantastic group, both children and staff! It’s been an absolute joy, thankyou for allowing me to be part of it all (coffee afternoons/trips) you have all been so kind and supportive to Hope and I throughout the past couple of years. I really do admire you all. We will both miss this wonderful team xx

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