Hello and welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely and relaxing Christmas holiday. We have hit the ground running since being back at school and have carried on with building upon our relationships and gaining confidence whilst transitioning around our school.
On Monday we ventured out to our mud kitchen wrapped up all cosy with our water proofs on to have lots of fun making mud pies and filling and emptying out the watering cans, we then enjoyed a trip to our sensory integration room. Monday is such a busy day for us here in class 5 but our fabulous little legends never fail to surprise us with their versatility and resilience. We also enjoyed our fabulous sensory suite – we all really love it in here, especially the projector where we get to watch the fish swim underneath our feet. We finished off our day with body awareness and physical development, becoming aware of the position and movement of our body parts.

Tuesday we began our day with our new story in English which for this half term is Handa’s Surprise. We have begun by reading the first few pages of the book and we all enjoyed feeling, touching and smelling bananas, which is the first fruit she collects. We then headed for a much needed play in our soft play suite where we enjoyed the ball pool and the slides. After dinner we then headed to our Thrive room to enjoy the various toys and books in there, we especially love the doll’s house and kitchen and in here it allows us the opportunity to expand on our play skills. We then headed back to class where we enjoyed a session developing our fine motor skills, such as threading, posting and pegging and let me tell you we are all getting pretty good at this.

Of course Wednesday is one of our favorite days as we all enjoy a trip to our Rebound centre where we are working very hard on our various levels, of course there is always time for a little play on the trampolines. We then started on our topic of Asia and painted some of the many flags that make up Asia. We had lots of fun using the paints to create our flags. We then enjoyed some calm time and enjoyed some water play in class, using jugs and various different objects to fill up with water and empty out. This is a particular favorite of ours.

Yesterday we continued with or personal hygiene session. We enjoyed massage, nail filing, hair brushing and teeth brushes. We love to watch ourselves in the mirror while we are pampered and we are building up our tolerance level and are allowing the adults to be in our space so much more. We also enjoyed messy play exploring different textures and tastes.

Today we enjoyed our Hydro session, we just love splish splashing in the water and we are beginning to dip our heads underneath the surface, we are beginning to get used to the routines of the hydro pool, changing, showering and then entering safely. We then enjoyed our weekly assembly with Mr Rollings. We love singing and dancing to all of our Hadrian assembly songs. We have all become so settled and regulated in assembly and we are so proud of how will the children manage with the various elements of our assembly.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend
Fran, Vikki, Lauren and Yasmin