This week we tried a new session in class.  We continued the theme of exploration using scarves, material and pom poms.  Using a range of music tempo’s we enjoyed some intensive interaction with children and followed their interests. Using our observations of each child we also worked on individual communication targets and core vocabulary.

The great thing about this session is we had so much fun.

We had lots of outdoor fun again this week.  We wanted to explore colour using the snow as a blank canvas.  Armed with coloured spray, we made snowmen and all took turns to spray him different colours.  Children explored in their own way.  Some children sprayed, some poured and some enjoyed rolling in the snow.  Basheer decided to lay down and experience tasting the snow flakes as they fell!! A great time was had by all!!


Friday afternoon finished our winter exploration off perfectly in the school Yurt.  Children enjoyed choosing music, having cuddles from staff by the idyllic setting of the fire.  Looking out on to the cold snowy outdoors was perfect.  We shared snacks in there too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Stay safe and take care.



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