Well, it is the end of Spring 1 half term already. We all got here safely and soundly. What a half term it has been. The country is in lockdown, we have snow on the ground. The days are getting longer and we are all feeling very proud of how resilient our children have been through tough times. A huge thanks to everyone in school for making our school a safe and happy place to be. Thanks to SLT, to admin staff, to kitchen staff, our lovely caretaker and site manager, to teachers and teaching staff, to our cleaning team, our bus escorts, our fantastic supportive parents and of course our amazing children who are the reason our Hadrian world goes around. Special thanks to our lovely teacher Phil for leading our zoom assembly’s and singing sessions. He has kept us all entertained this half term with his singing, guitar playing, and funny characters. Here is a snippet of another busy couple of weeks at school.
This week we celebrated a special birthday in class. When any of our adults celebrate a birthday we say it is a special one when it ends in a zero;0) Children and staff enjoyed a party in class, a fun exploration session and lots of music and singing. In unusual times we couldn’t invite friends into class to celebrate so we made a video from every class in school wishing Loveday a happy birthday in their own ways. Very creative work from everyone……Loveday shed a little tear. Big thanks to Phil and Ellen’s class for safely serenading Loveday from outside. They all sang happy birthday for Loveday to enjoy through the window.
Music is a favourite amongst all of our children! Our Daniel and Leen enjoyed music therapy sessions this week with our Music Therapist, Bev. They had fun initiating music, responding to fast and slow tempo and enjoying some wonderful intensive interaction using voices and instruments.
During half term we share Shrove Tuesday and in true Hadrian tradition we celebrated a week early by making and tasting our own in class. Children explored using their hands, their mouths and tools such as whisks and spoons. We cooked them in class so everyone could enjoy the delicious smell and we had a special pancake snack with chocolate spread and golden syrup. Yummy.
Watch out in children’s bags this week for special cards coming home. We celebrated LLEERRVVEE this week for Valentine’s Day this Sunday. Children made cards with their own hands for people at home. We also made special cards for our friends who are not able to join us in class during lockdown. Watch out for postman Pat, Jacob and Yahya! He might just have something for your from your class friends. We miss you guys.
We ended the half term on a high note today. The whole school enjoyed an outdoor assembly to enjoy a singing session together, safely distanced outdoors. It was wonderful to see everyone having fun. These are times we miss at Hadrian. We all miss our whole school gatherings. Mr Rollings has competition with some of our older children leading singing!! Joe sang beautifully using the microphone in front of the whole school. We kept warm with blankets and cuddles in our bubbles while we sang and danced in the snow.

This week we celebrated our Daniel in our weekly assembly. Daniel’s progress this week has been phenomenal. He is now using our core vocabulary boards to choose symbols which help him make choices. Daniel showed us that he can consistently ask for more by pointing precisely with his finger at the more symbol. It was wonderful to see him gaining skills which gives him his own voice. Well done Dan!! High five to you! Mr Rollings saved one of his special medals for Daniel as he was super impressed by this progress! Have a look at our Dan…