Check out our little elves in our ‘Santa’s Workshop’ dance workshop last week (sorry for the delay – technical issues!). The children were split in into 4 elf teams, with each group moving in a different way to get to work to take part in different jobs around Santa’s workshop. The children were all so engaged as Christine from TipToes dance took them on a magical journey through dance and music. It was such a special experience!
The season is here, we have celebrated Christmas all week, starting with our whole school Advent assembly on Monday.
On Tuesday we had a fantastic trip to the Metrocentre where we looked at the lovely tree and all the decorations, a trip to the Disney Store then finished off with a festive train ride.
Wednesday we began our new Christmas sensory story -“I Love Christmas”.
Coralie and Team
We all love Hydrotherapy! Children and the adults, its such an enjoyable relaxing activity where we play games, sing nursery rhymes do lots of turn taking which helps us to get to know each others names, all helping with stimulation of vocalization and language. It also helps increase muscle strength without impact on joints, and helps with reduction of muscle tone.
We have began our artwork for that very special time of year!!! Christmas but shhhh we can’t say the word out loud until December! Looking forward to seeing all of the children’s faces when they see school decorated on Monday.
Coralie and team.
Christmas is certainly round the corner and don’t 6b know it! We had a great Life Skills trip to town on Monday where we got to check out the Christmas Market and Fenwick’s Window before having a snack in the Grainger Market. We can’t wait to put up our Christmas Tree this afternoon all ready for our Advent assembly on Monday.
This term in Literacy the children were introduced to our new Sensory Story – “Wow said the Owl”. The story entertained the children with lots of things to hear, see, touch, taste and ‘do’ and is definitely a big hit with the children!
Over the coming weeks the children will have many opportunities to make choices, practice cause and effect and communicate their feelings/likes/dislikes through eye contact, vocalisations, gestures and early Makaton signs.
We will re-visit this book over the next few weeks and through repetition the children may begin to form links with the story and in turn start to recall/anticipate as well as practice and build upon new skills such as pressing a switch to make something happen or using their voice in the microphone.
We hope you enjoy the photographs – Coralie and team.
We were immensely lucky this week to welcome Julia Jarman into school as part of the Northern Children’s Book Festival. Julia is the author of stories such as Big Red Bath, Fussy Freda, Class Two at the Zoo among many more. Julia’s storytelling of some of her books was so creative and engaging and the children were so excited to interview her during the sessions! Julia even did a book signing session, where she individually met some children and write a personalised message in their copy of Fussy Freda and the Time Travelling Cat. Julia now has lots of new fans in Hadrian School and we can’t wait to explore some of her other stories. We hope to be able to welcome Julia back again to Hadrian one day-she is just fantastic!
Sensory Story
We love gathering together for a sensory story. This term we are listening and interacting with the story ‘Walking Through the Storm… What can it be?’ Throughout the story the children take turns of making the sound of the storm with instruments. They anticipate which character is going to jump out of the cupboard next, after walking through the storm! It could be a ghost, skeleton, monster, spider or witch. We listen to songs related to the characters and dance having lots of intensive interaction. The children like the squirting water bottles representing the rain and often ask for more! We laugh, we smile, and we have lots of fun! Through this story we are learning to anticipate the routine, use our core vocabulary, enjoy (and sometimes say) the repetitive language and explore the props. Simon is great at being all of the different characters for us to interact with!
Last Thursday we also celebrated Fatima’s 10th Birthday, we had lots of treats sent in from home that the children enjoyed eating… especially the giant cake!
Many thanks for checking in. See you next week, Loveday and team xx
On Friday we had a very fun IT lesson. We downloaded a great app called Quiver. Because it was Children in Need we printed off some special pictures for us to colour in. After we coloured them in we use the app to take a photo of them and Pudsey comes ALIVE!
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Mrs Ball, Babs, Sue and Jess.
This week we have been talking about Children in Need in preparation for Children in Need on Friday. As a whole school we have had activities to complete. We had to make a mascot and decide on a name, colouring competition where we had to draw a duck and then colour it in. We also had to bake a biscuit and decorate it, in Class 4 we decided to sell them around school for the adults. We raised £45.00.
This is our mascot. We each chose a name, wrote it down and put it in the hat and then Val, our special volunteer, picked one out. Our mascot is called Puddles!
We had so much fun decorating our biscuits. We made one for us to eat and then we made lots to sell to the adults. We won the baking competition as well!
Everyone’s ducks were amazing, but Noura was our winner!
We have had a great week and have raised lots of money. We will let you know the total next week.
This week we have had a very busy week taking part in lots of activities to support Children in Need. Class 3/4 made a duck class mascot which we named ‘Maquackalakin’. The duck supported all of the activities and watched over the children to make sure they stayed on task. We also decorated some biscuits in food technology keeping in the theme of Children in Need and put smarties on them for Pudsey Bear’s spots. We enjoyed colouring our Pudsey Bear masks in Art and Raheel was crowned the winner for his fantastic efforts! The children will be taking part in the ‘Quackers Run’ this afternoon and we thank you all for your excellent efforts in gaining sponsorship money for the children.
We started our week with a trip out to the Hancock Museum on Monday. The children enjoyed looking at and experiencing the animals and dinosaurs and all had a fantastic time. We are very proud of how well the children were behaved on our outing and how well they represented Hadrian School.
In Science we started learning about light and shadows and the class have been making lots of different shadows using their bodies and props with the big screen and torches. This was a big hit with the children!
The children have all had a very busy week and deserve a well-earned rest this weekend; we have had some children off poorly this week so we wish them a speedy recovery.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Class 3/4 Team.