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This week Hadrian School are celebrating World Book Day with lots of lovely activities around school. In class 2 the children started this special week with our new sensory story, ‘Down on the farm’. The children really enjoyed interacting with the story props both during the story and afterwards. Maaz in particular loved playing with the pigs in mud! This story was also an introduction to our Spring term 2 topic ‘Animals’.
Class 2 have really enjoyed getting cosy on the bean bags and enjoying some animal themed books such as Dear Zoo, Little Rabbit Foo foo and We’re going on a bear hunt. The children were really engaged and enjoyed exploring the books with staff. Lawson loved sharing ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ with a very enthusiastic Kira 🙂
The Children celebrated World Book Day with a whole school assembly. Ollie-Joe represented Class 2 in the parade and did a fantastic job on the catwalk. The children enjoyed listening to stories from ‘The masked storytellers’ and joining in with some story themed songs such as ‘A squash and a squeeze’ and ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears’.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing the children back on Monday 🙂
Rachael, Kira, Adam, James and Leigh-Anne xx
On Monday we had a very busy day, we had our usual carousel that we do every morning before playtime. After playtime we practiced brushing our teeth for 2 minutes listening to our song. In the afternoon we had our first lesson in Lego therapy working as a team to build different heights and shapes. To finish our day we went to the trim trail to work on our climbing skills.
Tuesday was a very fun and exciting day. In the morning we had our usual routine and then we had our food technology lesson earlier where we made salt dough for our Friday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon we had a whole school ceildh where we danced in a big circle moving round the sports hall holding hands with all of our friends at Hadrian.
We hope you all enjoyed your extra day off on Wednesday.
Thursday we were straight back into our routine in the morning of our work carousel. After break we designed our own fish following our topic on The Great Barrier reef using different paper and pencils to create scales. Our favorite afternoon of the week is a Thursday afternoon in the thrive room.
Our final day of the week was started off with an achievers assembly, watching our friends videos on the amazing work they have been doing over the half term. After assembly we have a long playtime with all of our friends. After lunch we had a salt dough lesson with the dough we made on Tuesday, making different shapes and counting out how many pieces we have cut the dough into. To finish off our week we had a special treat of going to our school soft play.
This week, we celebrated Chinese New Year – the year of the rabbit.
We dressed in traditional clothes of China and ate noodles together.

We wrote about traditions of the lunar new year and completed a colour by numbers for the year of the rabbit. We also made a card dragon.
Best of all, we took part in a dragon dance!
The last week of Christmas fun was started off with our usual PE session but instead of football we did jabadao. In the afternoon we had a visit from Santa on his magical bus he wished us all a merry Christmas and gave us all a present. We finished the day off with some relaxing yoga
Tuesday was a very festive day so we wore our Christmas jumpers. We had a very busy day making red and green cupcakes with sprinkles. For lunch we had a fantastic dinner off Sam and her team, we then had a lovely afternoon with the whole school singing Christmas carols in the adventure play ground.
A wonderful Wednesday was started off with some Christmas numeracy and a long playtime in our adventure playground. After playtime we had a lovely time making some Christmas crafts using lots of different glitters, stickers and card. On Wednesday afternoon we had a lovely afternoon watching Santa the movie.
Thursday was a very exciting day as we made our Christmas trees ready to take home for our family’s. In the afternoon it was our Christmas party where we had party games and we danced. We had a very special guest at our party, Santa came and he gave all of our friends in KS2 a present! Just before home time we had some party food in the class room with cakes, crisps and sandwiches.
Our final day in school before Santa comes was started off with a wonderful breakfasts of cheese and ham toasties and fruit. We then played with iced bears in a tough tray and had ice races and lots of cold hands. Just after lunch we watched our Christmas Nativity where our head girl and head boy played the parts of Mary and Joseph and some of our little friends played the parts of the angels and shepherds.
Merry Christmas and a
On Monday we had a fantastic start to the week by watching Aladdin in the school hall with all of our friends. In the afternoon we continued with the Christmas activities and we made Christmas cards with paints and rollers. We also made reindeer paper chains.
Tuesday morning we did some Christmas numeracy work followed by a dress rehearsal of our Christmas show. In the afternoon we made crispy cakes with melted chocolate and cheerios. later on we had a reindeer hunt in our adventure playground.
On Wednesday we had our final dress rehearsal in front of Mr Rollings and our friends from different classes. We were then joined by Ellen and Sarah’s class as we took a trip to watch Dick Whittington at the exchange theater in North Shields. We all had a long bus journey home as our teachers took us all home on the school buses.
Thursday was another exciting day of trips and bus rides, we went too the discovery museum to finish off our roman topic. We looked at all the different artifacts and looked at statues and different roman outfits and accessories. we finished our day with a snack and a movie before we headed home.
Friday was an amazing morning! We finally performed our Christmas show to all of our friends and family and we were all amazing and played our parts really well. In the afternoon we watched our other classes Christmas shows then headed to the yurt to end our day to have a look round Santa’s Grotto.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe!
We were proud to support the first ever Newcastle SENsational Christmas party!
The event was organised by Rachel Rudd and the amazing team of volunteers, all thanks to funding from Newcastle Parent Carer Forum and Newcastle Children with Disabilities team.
So many local services helped out with this event to make the day extra special.
It was a truly magical day,