A big thankyou to all who donated gifts to our Christmas fayre, also the staff who worked really hard to make it magical.
It was a wonderful night, we all love to see our families and staff new and old relaxing and socialising together.
A big thankyou to all who donated gifts to our Christmas fayre, also the staff who worked really hard to make it magical.
It was a wonderful night, we all love to see our families and staff new and old relaxing and socialising together.
We had a busy but wonderful day in the hairshop this term!
Lots of new children visiting for a haircut or pamper and some of our older helping out to clean up, sweep up and they also done a fantastic job keeping the younger children entertained.
Look out for the booking form for the next on 1st December.
Please note that there is no public parking on site and there are limited blue badge spaces which are available on the day on a first come first served basis.
If you have a blue badge and the spaces are full then we will endeavour to find an alternative parking spot on site.
A big welcome back from Dave’s class. We are pleased to welcome Dan, Rebecca and Kath to our team. We also have the very lovely Genevieve who has joined us for her years work placement from University.
This half term we have all been building positive relationships using lots of intensive interaction with the grown ups and each other. We have worked hard in all sessions, building on these relationships, our communication and our physical skills. We have especially loved having our old favourites back; Jabadao, Rebound and Hydrotherapy.
We have been taking part in a new sessions (which is always a little scary) as part of our Preparation for Life. The main focus of PFL this half-term has been about self-care, having our hair cut, nails trimmed, learning to wash ourselves and brush our teeth. We have all been amazing, building up our tolerance to these experiences in this session.
We have been using all of our senses when listening to different sounds in our very own barber shop, touching nail files and brushes. This was very hard at first but we’ve made brilliant progress. Our favourite part of this session is using the foot spa. We have been using our communication aids to request ‘more’ for the bubbles and vibrations. Relaxation is definitely the most important part of self-care especially after all of the hard work we do!
We hope everyone has a wonderful week off and we look forward to the next part of our journey.
Fledgelings do a fantastic range of incontinence swimwear, this includes a range of swimwear for boys and girls, including disposable swim nappies. They are suitable for the beach and holidays, and also perfect for swimming and hydrotherapy sessions.
Click on link below to view the range
HAF Family Camp
We were very proud to work alongside NAPI (North East Action for Children Parents Inclusion) to host the first ever additional needs school holiday HAF club, NAPI@Hadrian.
The holiday activities and food programme was provided support to children in receipt of free school meals or an EHCP through holiday periods, funded by the Local Authority and Department of Education.
The club ran Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-4pm for the last 4 weeks of the summer break.
The clubs aim was to ensure children and their families, who are funded to eat healthily over the school holidays, have opportunities be active, learn about health and nutrition and be more engaged with school and other local services whilst being in a safe environment.
The children did need to be supported by a parent/carer, which helped keep staffing costs to a minimum, but was open to siblings of the child with additional needs. Families’ feedback was amazing. They loved seeing their children enjoy a range of suitable activities together as parents reported that they usually had to do separate activities to suit each of their children.
All the activities were ran by a range of amazing local activity groups and community services including:
Dance Rox
Star Strike Soccer
Healthy eating day
Smile through sport
Baretoed-Circus skills
Animals about town
Kojin karate
Northumbria Police
Blue Tiger First aid
NHS 0-19 nursing services
Army Cadets
Yoga with Louise
West Denton fire service
Community police service
Blue Tiger first aid
Party gems Magic show
Party gems Disco and special guest
Chilled sensory area
We had a jam packed week of fun at summer club this year!
Hadrian school summer club runs for one week at the beginning of the summer holidays.
This year we began our week with a visit to Shiremoor Adventure playground, there was all sorts to do we went on zip-wires, basket swings, the large wooden play structure was great for climbing, running, hiding. We played basketball, rode bikes and even petted animals.
Tuesday we headed to Newburn Park for a play and picnic before heading to the leisure centre to use the adapted mobility bikes, we even got to ride them outdoors around the carpark and field.
Wednesday we went to Hall Hill farm were we got to pet lots of different animals, ride on a bumpy tractor and whizz down the big slides in the adventure play area.
Thursday was our beach day but was a typical British summer day grey, wet and miserable so we headed off to Adventurelands for soft-play fun, after our lunch it was still wet and miserable so we drove to St Marys lighthouse were we all got ice creams and watched the waves crashing around.
Friday we all stayed in school with our friends who had enjoyed summer club in the Rebound centre. They had a week of sensory circuits, rebound, messy play, sensory stories.
At Summer Club the group that stayed in school had a brilliant time. We had full access to all of the resources and equipment down in the Rebound Centre and Sports Hall so we had a very active week and were able to enjoy a Rebound Session every day.
As well as this we filled our time table with lots of engaging activities to enjoy. The Training Suite was transformed in to a Relaxation Space filled with lights and sensory toys where the children enjoyed listening to calming music and being pampered while using the foot spas and enjoying massage.
The mud kitchen and music shack were also firm favourites during the week and even though we weren’t so lucky with the weather we still got wrapped up and had lots of fun making mud pies and getting soaked with the hose!
Everyone loved our Sensory Drama session. The children got right in to character during our ‘Journey through the storm’. We all climbed on board our boats and we were transported to the stormy sea! When we had to abandon ship we explored the depths of the sea in the dance studio which had been transformed in to a sensory underwater experience which everyone thoroughly enjoyed! Huge thanks to Phil for coming in to support us in that session and taking the lead with the music, lights and singing!
The fun didn’t stop there we enjoyed bubble fun out on our flow field where we used bubble wands, bubble guns, and hula hoops to make giant bubbles!
We also loved our Sensory Story ‘walking through the jungle’ where the children used sight, sound, taste, touch and smell to experience what it would be like and who you might meet walking through the jungle!
On Friday all of the children from both groups got to experience some real animals, some friends of ours brought in lots of reptiles and creepy crawlies for us to look at and hold! The children were definitely braver than the staff!
A party in the hall seemed like the only way to end the week! The children loved singing and dancing with glow sticks and lights – we have some super talented karaoke singers in school!
Thank you to everyone who supported our summer club.