Hi everyone,
I am so nostalgic writing this and looking through all their old pictures, they have grown massively in height and personality over the last 10 months. They came from Reception just little bods, all shy and quiet. Now we can’t stop them chatting!
What a wonderful year, we have all absolutely loved it. It has been great watching them progress in all different areas, especially, their communication skills, their physical skills and their confidence has sky rocketed. We have actors, dancers, singers, writers, mathematicians, nurses, shop keepers, animals and many more. Their imagination and creativity is amazing. I have loved thinking of new and exciting ways to keep them engaged and to bring on those skills.
You now have a Year 2 child! Can you believe it? I know they are going to continue to make outstanding progress. Their new teams are such lucky people!
Thank you to all you parents and carers you have been a dream, you all care dearly for your children and are on the ball with their every need. From sending their swimming kit in to sun cream to donations. This wonderful year and all their lovely trips wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Another massive thank you for all our gifts and cards, we are very grateful! It has been a pleasure having your child and I know they will flourish throughout their Hadrian school journey. I will miss them so much and I will be stealing cuddles every day in the quad.
Thank you,
Jess, Michele, Sharon and Katherine
Class 1a
(I thought I would share some photo from the very first term! Look how much they have changed!)