Rationale behind our Teaching and Learning


Intent Implementation Impact

We make an impact on our children’s learning, wellbeing, social and emotional development over time. Each Teacher contributes to a shared vision embodied in the child’s own Education, Health Care Plan which starts from 0-25.

We start the journey on preparation for adulthood in this primary phase. We match the curriculum so that it is based on the individual needs of each learner.

We build upon our assessments year on year, adding to the hard won outcomes of our previous colleagues in partnership with parents and our multi-agency professionals.

We identify the most appropriate and relevant pathways for our children and collate this information in a digestible format that leads to clear outcomes, advice and support. This all feeds into the review of the EHCP annually or more frequently where necessary. The short term outcomes of this relevant EHCP is tracked through the PLP.

A child’s Provision Map can be;

· My latest EHCP
· My PLP
· An ‘All About Me’ Book or a Pen Portrait
· A Communication Pathway
· An Engagement Profile
· A Thrive Plan
· A Behaviour Support Plan
· A Health Care Plan
· A Physical Management Plan
· Rebound and Hydrotherapy Plans
· A Sensory Profile and Diet

The route we take the children is based upon our judgements with the express goal of building on skills, knowledge and concepts. The PLP is one document tracked over the whole life of the pupil in school. Outcomes are based on our knowledge of the child, the curriculum pathway the child is following, outcomes from other professionals involved with the child and parental expectations.

The skill of the Teacher is in prioritising the learning outcomes and planning the timetable so that it is robust to ensure the child has maximum exposure to the outcomes in order to achieve them.

We have had an opportunity to devise the most child centred curriculum for generations. To do this we have the pedagogy that sits behind the most appropriate pathways for all of our children, from the complex needs to our most able children. If we have 143 children on roll then in theory we have 143 curricular in place.

During learning activities:

– Teachers consistently and effectively set high expectations which inspire, motivate, stretch and challenge pupils

– Effective and appropriate planning is evident and is used to great effect

– Planning and teaching promote learning that enable pupils to learn exceptionally well

– Pupils enjoy their learning as shown by their interest, enthusiasm and engagement in the learning

– The ideas and experiences of pupils are valued and drawn upon

– Pupils try their best and are proud of their work

– Teaching is well informed, confident, engaging and precise

– The learning is differentiated to take into account a range of abilities and outcomes from individual PLPs

– Teaching methods are effectively related to the learning outcomes and the needs of learners

– Knowledge is relevant and interesting to all pupils

– The learning is clearly linked to previous teaching and learning

– Teachers listen to pupils and responds appropriately

– Teachers have a positive, constructive relationship with each child

– Teachers have high expectations of pupil behaviour

– Pupils are praised regularly for their good effort, achievement, attentiveness and behaviour

– Pupils love the challenge of learning. They are curious and interested learners, they are keen to explore and make connections, keen to use new information to develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills

– Pupils use their initiative to express intentions, needs and desires

– Pupils ‘stick with it’ and show sustained concentrated effort

– Pupils are confident self-assured learners

– Pupils are proud of their achievements and of their school

– Classroom management and organisation supports appropriate behaviour

– Pupils are safe and feel safe at all times