This term we are reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. In messy play this week we used lots of different coloured pink media and materials to create 3 giant pig faces. We had great fun gluing, sticking and painting. We have also been building houses with bricks and blowing them down again!
Welcome back everyone we hope you had a lovely holiday and are excited to be back at school. This week we welcomed Stacey into our class, she has settled straight in and is already making new friends.
Also this week we had great fun in our special pancake assembly where we watched the adults tossing pancakes high into the air. In class we made our own pancakes, we poured, mixed, cooked and tossed them, then we were able to choose some delicious toppings to go on them, chocolate spread seemed to be a real winner!
Hello to everyone, hope you all had a fantastic February half term and welcome back!
Monday 24th February was our first day back after the half term and the weather was forecast for snow! It was tricky getting everyone in with roads being slippery and traffic building up, however this didn’t stop the children in school enjoying the snow while it was here!
Snow play was exciting and fun for those who enjoy exploring! Peniel, Kimberly, Lacey and Jacob chose to be among the snow in the outdoor play area. Kimberly’s balance with her new independent walking skills was definitely tested but that did not stop her. The children enjoyed crunching the snow beneath their feet and in their hands, making snow balls, and generally having a great time in the snow with their friends.
A wonderful start to the term. Thanks for reading, see you all next week, Loveday and Team xx
Happy Valentine’s everyone! We have had a fantastic fortnight here in 6c – take it away Brandon:
We are making great progress in our English topic of autobiographies. We interviewed each other to learn information about our friends that they can use when they come to write our life stories. Take a look:

Our personalised weekly timetable books are coming along very nicely:

And finally, we have had a fantastic time celebrating Valentine’s Day, as Brandon has very eloquently explained:

Have a great weekend and a lovely half term!
6c team
Another busy day in the pop hair shop!
Today we took our science learning on the road and visited the Discovery Museum. The children enjoyed experimenting with the different magnets to see which they could make ‘push’ or ‘pull’. They loved the feel of the magnets pushing against each other when ‘like’ poles were put together. We also found some super fun tubes which we could talk down and the children loved trying to work out which friend they could hear at the other end. There was also a wonderful ball tube which sent balls zooming using the power of suction and we were so proud to watch their team work as they passed the balls from the end to the beginning and took turns with members of the public at putting them in the tube. The behaviour of the class was great and we always feel so proud to take them out and about, especially when members of the public comment on their behaviours and manners too!
Our topic in art this term is printing. The class have been experimenting with different ways to print and this was a fun one….string! They had so much fun choosing the colour, dipping the string and watching as it made a mark on the paper. We are going to put their lovely work up in our classroom – pop and see it if you can!
Team 2/3
We celebrated Chinese New Year with a whole school assembly. We were wowed with a traditional Dragon Dance by our older friends, lots of colourful costumes, music and Chinese cooking! To stay in theme our sensory exploration lesson we used noodles.
Lovely to have Frazer back after his surgery, still with his big beautiful smile, being a brave boy.
Well done to Nicole our half term achiever! Fabulous to watch all the hard work and achievements you have made.
Coralie and team.
Dear Parents/Carers
This week has been very busy. The Choir went to Stanley on Tuesday, Wednesday we visited the West End Untied Reformed Church and on Thursday we had a FLOW session for those who attend. Today we enjoyed the half term achiever assembly as well as learning about the Good Samaritan. Have a lovely weekend.
Scott, Ann, Jen, Katy, Susan
Happy Chinese New Year everyone! We began the year of the rat in style – but don’t take our word for it:
We began our work on autobiographies this week. We learned that an autobiography is the life story of the person writing it – we read (and roleplayed) Marc’s autobiography and discussed the kind of events that are typically featured in a life story: childhood, school, family, work, hobbies and more. Take a look below:

As Brandon explained, our visit to the church was great. We enjoyed learning about the different areas of the church, listening to bible stories and having a go on the piano:

And finally, we must say a massive congratulations to our half-term achiever: Amelia!

Have a great weekend!
6c team